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Summer Camp

Disney & Pixar's 

Finding Nemo Jr.


Book, Music and Lyrics by

Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez



Book Adapted by

Lindsay Anderson



Music and Orchestrations Adapted and Arranged by

Myrna Conn


Based on the 2003 Disney / Pixar film Finding Nemo written by

Andrew Stanton, Bob Peterson, David Reynolds and directed

by Andrew Stanton



Explore the big blue world with this lively new stage

musical based on the beloved Pixar film!


TWO WEEKS of camp for ONLY $345!

June 17-28, Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm

Performances June 28 & 29


And in this short amount of time, students will be putting

together an entire musical!


Here's what an average day will look like at camp:

8:30-9:00 Students Arrive

9:00-9:30 Warm-Up Games

9:30-10:30 Music Rehearsal

10:30-11:30 Dance Rehearsal

11:30-12:00 Morning Wrap-Up

12:00-1:00 Lunch Break/Hangout

1:00-2:30 Acting Rehearsal

2:30-3:30 Design Work (Such as helping with the set for the show)

3:30-4:00 Afternoon Wrap-Up

Students Picked Up


Music. Dance. Acting. Set Design. Costume Design. All of this and more will be learned through participation in Finding Nemo Jr.


Perfect for all ages, this is a fantastic experience, whether students have been acting for years or if this is their very first time!


The team who will be leading the camp has led student musicals and camps such as this for years. Their resume include shows such as Lion King Jr, My Son Pinocchio Jr, Alice in Wonderland Jr, Seussical Jr, and so many more.


Last year, Wild Imaginings led a group of phenomenal students through Matilda Jr, and they are excited to tackle Finding Nemo Jr this summer!


Auditions will be held in advance of the camp. It is at this time that students will be given their books and music to begin learning/memorizing prior to camp. That way, come June 17th, we'll be able to dive right in! 


At the end of camp, students will perform Finding Nemo Jr on 28th and 29th, giving them the experience of a full production weekend with multiple performances.


This will be an in-person camp, located at the Jubilee Theatre, 1319 N 15th St.

There are limited spots available, so don't hesitate to sign up!

There are also scholarships available, so be sure to reach out if cost is prohibitive.

Reach out to Trent Clifford at with any questions.


Disney's Finding Nemo JR.

Is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI).

All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.

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Camp Is Now Full
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