Epiphanies Submissions
Wild Imaginings is committed to providing a productive and inspiring space for emerging playwrights to see their works produced. Wild Imaginings will accept all plays that meet our basic criteria and eligibility. Playwrights are responsible for going over all information in this document and verifying their eligibility before submitting their work.
1. To be considered for inclusion in the festival, plays must be submitted on or before 11:59 pm Central Time, January 31st, 2025. Musicals must be submitted on or before 11:59 pm Central Time, March 31st, 2025.
Submit your work to the appropriate festival, please!
2. Works must be the original work of the submitting playwright(s), and they must be the sole owner(s) of any existing copyright.
3. Works must be a full-length drama, comedy, or book of a musical, with intermission preferred. If there is no intermission, then the script should be a minimum of 75 minutes. While there is no minimum page requirement, scripts numbering more than 120 pages will not be read.
4. Scripts must not require more than 8 actors. Doubling is acceptable, so there may be a greater number of characters, so long as the cast requires no more than 8.
5. Works may include sections of dialogue in other languages, however the majority of text must be in English.
6. Work must be previously unproduced.
7. Limit one submission per author, if you do submit more than one piece, only the one submitted first will be read. Additionally, if you submit your same play twice for any reason, the first submission will be the one that is read. *Please note, plays that have been previously submitted will not be considered.
Submissions for the Epiphanies New Works Festival are open to all playwrights. Collaborative submissions are accepted; however, playwrights should keep in mind that submissions are limited to one per author.
Artistic Merit
The Epiphanies New Works Festival is committed to the development of new dramatic work that is theatrically innovative and has literary merit. Wild Imaginings believes in exploration, experimentation, and pushing the boundaries of what theatre can be, as well as the impact that theatre can have on the communities in which it is performed. Rather than rephrasing stories that have already been told, we are seeking unique voices and original stories told in the author’s own voice that engage the imaginations of our audience and offer challenging new perspectives. Adaptations and re-tellings will be accepted, but please note that we are looking for poignant and innovative story-telling.
Document Formatting Criteria
Submitted as a single PDF—one file only. No hard copies accepted.
Submissions must be blinded, please remove any personal identifying information from your submitted document.
Page 1 MUST include: a brief synopsis of the play (200-word maximum), the setting, and a cast list that includes each character’s name, along with a brief description.
Script Submission Guidelines
Plays must be submitted and the entry form completed prior to 11:59pm Central Time on January 31st, 2025. Submissions for this category are now closed for the 2025 festival.
Musicals must be submitted and the entry form completed prior to 11:59pm Central Time on March 31st, 2025.
If you have any questions, you may reach out to Trent Clifford, the Artistic Director of Wild Imaginings, at trent@wildimaginingswaco.com
But be sure to do so well enough in advance that they may be answered prior to the deadline. Any scripts submitted after the above date will not be considered.
Explanation of Process
Epiphanies is a process designed by Wild Imaginings to provide new playwrights with the space and opportunity to receive constructive feedback from industry experts, hear their words spoken aloud, and workshop their scripts into a polished final product.
After submission, the primary reader will look at all scripts. All works will be read by a minimum of two blind readers who will score them based on their merits. After the blind reading process, the creative team will then deliberate and choose eight semifinalists to be invited to participate in virtual table readings beginning the month of May. Playwrights are invited to attend these readings for feedback. Each semifinalist will have one month from the date of their table read to make any edits they desire. Revised scripts will again be reviewed by multiple judges and four finalists will be selected for the Epiphanies Festival.
The Epiphanies Festival itself will take place in November for plays and in March for musicals. Each of the four finalists will receive a staged reading of their script in front of an audience, and there will be a full production of the prior year's winner. In the same way, a winner will be selected from the four finalists, and the new winner will receive a production at the following year's festival. Playwrights are not required to attend the festival, as we cannot at this time fully cover their travel expenses. We do provide airfare and lodging for the winning playwright to come and be part of the festival when their play is produced, however. Apart from the winner, other workshopping opportunities may be available for finalists.
Important Dates for Play Festival
Submission deadline: January 31
Semifinalists selected: May 1
Table readings completed: June 30​
Final scripts due: One month after table reading
Finalists selected: August 15
Epiphanies Play Festival: November 2025
Submissions for this category are now closed for the 2025 festival.
Important Dates for Musical Festival
Submission deadline: March 31
Semifinalists selected: July 1
Table readings completed: August 31
Final scripts due: One month after table reading
Finalists selected: November 15
Epiphanies Play Festival: March 2026